Company Location: Illinois
Business Focus: Lake County Mechanical
Prior Pricing Method: Time & Material
The contracting company was ready to take a business change away from their time & material pricing, but didn’t want to try something that ended up being a waste of time and
money. After talking to their distributor’s TM about Coolfront and how other contractors use it, Lake County Mechanical wanted to give it a try in hopes for more profit and more consistent pricing.
The company began using Coolfront in Summer 2014. They currently have 3 – 5 Coolfront users and run the app on their Android phones, laptop, office computers, and Android tablets.
How has your company revenue been impacted since using Coolfront?
Revenue has increased 25-30% per service tech. Overall revenue since using Coolfront has increased close to 40%“
“To keep growing you have to make changes or take risks. Using Coolfront is one of the best business decisions I have made. Writing service tickets for over 25 years with companies I worked for and myself as being a business owner for over 10 years now it seemed the way it should be done. Now we very rarely hand write tickets any more. We are consistent on pricing, we are more organized with customer history, and our profit has gone considerably up. I truly believe Coolfront has made us a better company. Our satisfaction is 100%. We are now and always will be using Coolfront for our HVAC business.” -Shaun K.
Three biggest benefits Energy Savers has experienced since using Coolfront: